About this courseThe tactics of hotlines are simple - provide professionals with a confidential manner to report complaints. Sarbanes-Oxley provided the impetus for organizations to take a closer look at their complaint-reporting process.
The effectiveness of hotlines can be varied depending on how it is managed and administered. In addition, management's attention and response to hotline calls is an important aspect of maintaining an effective and positive control environment. The Audit Committee of public companies is responsible for ensuring a confidential and effective complaint reporting process and should fully understand processes as well as information that comes through the hotlines.
With the advent of new regulation that allows whistleblowers to go outside internal lines of defense to report miss-doings, companies should be strategically aware of their programs and the effectiveness and perceptions of their programs. Audit Committees, senior management, and all professionals should understand the important implications that hotlines provide.
Why Should You Attend:
Why do we teach history in our schools? We must understand the history and evolution of a process to learn from our successes and failures. Knowing where we have come from allows us to plot a solid course for the future.
In this webinar, we will stretch beyond the normal leading practice concepts and delve into psychological theories and evaluations. Evaluating and analyzing past incidents. Whenever human behavior is involved, peering into past scenarios can teach us a great deal about what concepts work and which don't. Making the process better requires more than just following "leading practice steps". You must understand the "whys ", "how's" and "whats"
This course includes:
schedule1.5 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altBeginner level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Oct 9, 2023
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
calendar_todayUpdated At Aug 8, 2024